Grow Trading Arena
The Arena is a layer designed for user interactions and includes the UI, API, and the Grow AI intent trading system for DeFi options. Its goal is to provide the user an easy gateway to view the current market, explore different strategies, price quotes, and place orders.
The Arena, as the primary interface for users, aims to offer an optimal experience in trading, hedging, and managing DeFi options positions all in one place.
Part of the advantages in the Grow AI Arena are the advanced trading features that bring DeFi users an edge versus trading on an underlying options protocols. Limit orders, spread strategies, and more exotic options strategies can be traded in one transaction through Grow AI. There are some complexities needed to be addressed in the basic interface of a user trading a limit order on options, since options decay over time (theta decay), the user experience must be similar to a traditional exchange and must include the greeks originating from the Black-Scholes model.
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