GROW Token
GROW token serves as the utility token that fuels the Grow ecosystem, aligning incentives to boost protocol growth.
veGROW - Voting Escrowed GROW
veGrow token serves as the governance access token within the Grow protocol, enabling holders to actively participate in Grow Finance's future decentralized governance. It is obtained by staking native GROW tokens with a 1:1 conversion ratio. veGROW accrues value through three primary methods:
Trading Fees: Holders receive a percentage of trading fees.
esGrow Rewards: Holders earn esGrow rewards for their participation.
Market Voting: Holders can vote to boost esGrow incentives for specific markets.
This structure ensures that veGrow holders are integral to the protocol's growth and decision-making processes.
esGrow - Escrowed GROW
esGrow is an additional reward token that is distributed to both veGrow holders and platform traders. It serves as an incentive to encourage active participation and drive protocol growth. esGrow can be vested to be turned into GROW tokens.
Fee Flow and Distribution
Grow protocol collects fees and premiums from users trading on the platform. These fees are distributed to ensure the protocol's sustainability and incentivize active participation:
Premiums and Fees: Users pay premiums and fees when trading through the Grow platform.
Fee Pool: These fees are collected in the Fee Pool module.
Fee Distribution: The fees are divided into three parts:
Solver Fees: These incentivize Solvers to provide optimal routing solutions.
Grow Stakers Fees: These encourage holders to stake GROW, thereby strengthening the community.
Protocol Fees: These cover the transaction execution and operational costs of the Grow protocol.
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